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Gijske Bovee

Little by little

Dear reader, thank you for looking at my blog! Maybe this is your first time, maybe you are a loyal follower, or maybe you are not here at all, but you are reading this over your mother's shoulder. Who knows. In any case, I want to tell you that my project is going very well:

I have 2 new sponsors:

1. Eneco: you may have heard of this company. One of the largest energy companies in the Netherlands. And guess what, they sponsor me :). Thank you very much Eneco!

2. Intermat; Intermat is a kitchen company. If you happen to be looking for a beautiful kitchen, be sure to check out Intermat! Thank you Intermat for sponsoring me!

For the rest, you will probably wonder: "I saw something on Facebook about a cupid project, how are you doing?". It's going well! The chocolate is from Dijkzeul (our local bakery) and I will also be delivering special valentine breakfast in Vijfhuizen from 6:30 till 7:30.

For the rest, a few highlights of my week.

I'm going to participate in "verbreding"! "verbreding"? What is that then? Extra lessons that you do during 2 lessons a week. Now we could choose from programming, creative writing, design and photography. Now I thought, on the boat you will definitely take pictures, so isn't photography interesting? Sure, and a lot of fun too. So now I'm registered for photography and I'll start (if all goes well) next week.

I was invited to speak about the GSA at the online open day and I did! It was a very fun, but exciting experience. That way I was able to prepare a bit for talking in front of a larger audience.

Overall I had a fun and productive week! I'll keep you updated on my adventures!


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